Cloud Computing making our life easier

Today we live in the world where we get the information of anything within a sec.
When i was in 6th standard class,Internet was a magic for me. i remembered that to transfer a document from one machine to another machine, we needed a floppy.

Today we have a power to organize or store data online in a big quantity. i hope you are not getting bored. Lets talk about Cloud Computing

First of all What is Cloud……..
The cloud is not the Internet, nor is it any non-server hosted service such as webmail. Software-as-a-Service (SasS) is how you define this type of technology. SaaS is the vehicle that will lead you to “the cloud” which will result in freed dependence on hardware.

Now you understand the term Cloud….
The Management of data for IT Professional is a biggest challenge.
That’s Why Cloud Computing making IT professional Life Easier
The reasons are :-
1.Easy backups
4.Reduced cost

Amazon is one of the biggest company that uses this technology.

Cloud based file syncing and sharing services :

Cloud based document processors : Docs

Cloud based Operating Systems :
1. eyeOS
2. Cloudo

Cloud based music sharing services :